Friday, 11 June 2010
The Diabetes Eleven
England's Winning World Cup Team back in 1966
What with the World Cup starting today and the England team playing their first match tomorrow, I thought I'd think about the team that's involved in managing diabetes.
My current winning team consists of the following:
1. First of all there's me / you / the person with diabetes (the team captain) - For me, becoming the "star player" in this game of diabetes has meant accepting that this isn't going to go away, no matter how much I try to ignore it. As the person with diabetes you have to try to have an understanding of your condition in order that you can control it and stay healthy in the long term. As with being the star player in a football team, being a diabetic involves great responsibility. Ok, so we never asked to get diabetes but for now, or at least until there's a cure, we are stuck with it and the only way to deal with it is to work with what we have got and that means working with the other 'team members' to try and get the results we want.
2. GP
3. Diabetes Spcialist Nurse at GP's
4. Diabetic Consulatant at the Hospital
5. Diabetes Specialist Nurse / Pump Nurse at Hospital
6. Dietician
7. Consultant at the Eye Infirmary
8. Podiatrist
9. Chemist
10. Family and Friends
11. Diabetic Online Community (DOC)
and a number of organisations who sit on the subs bench such as:
12. Diabetes UK
13. JDRF
Being the team captain means that you are in charge of your diabetes and the other members of your team. Certain members of the team can help you in terms of treatments, analysing blood sugar results etc. but ultimately you need to be the one in control as you, and only you, knows how your body feels on a day to day basis.
People can sometimes get frustrated with the "doctor knows best" way of thinking, especially when they don't seem to be listening to what you are telling them. The internet enables people to research their condition in a lot more detail than in the past and the DOC is a fantastic additional source of information, advice and support. The patient is now able to attend their various appointments armed with a wealth of knowledge. I think it's important to try and get a good 'working' relationship with your 'team members' as each one of them can contribute, in their own way, to the successful management of your diabetes.
I have recently changed hospital and am feeling really positive about the future management of my diabetes. I think all teams need a change of players now and then and hopefully now that I'm in the right place mentally for controlling my diabetes we will get the good results I need!!
(I do realise though that this "happy"relationship does not always happen and for some people appointments and dealing with medical professionals can be a constant battle.)
So, in conclusion, here's to the success of your own 'Diabetes Eleven' and also to the success of our England team in the World Cup!!!!!! :o)
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